Ask the Arborists: Spring Planning

Madison's recent cold snap has us dreaming of warm, sunny days. A new season will be here before you know it, so now is the time to start making plans for your yard. This month, our arborists are answering your questions about planning for spring. 

Why should I start planning for spring now? It’s only January!

Spring is the time to make changes to your landscape, whether it’s planting new trees and shrubs, pruning flowering plants that bloom on new shoots, or just getting on our schedule before summer is in full swing. Now is a great time to think about what you’d like to do with your outdoor space.

Which trees should be pruned before summer?

Summer flowering shrubs like Hydrangeas, Roses, and Spirea are best pruned before new growth begins, while earlier flowering shrubs like Lilacs, Forsythia, and Rhododendrons are best pruned immediately after they flower.

What is the best time of year to have my trees inspected/evaluated?

April and May are great months for an arborist to inspect your trees. With buds beginning to pop we can evaluate the vigor of the tree. The density of the foliage is still low so it’s easy to see any structural issues that should be addressed.

When is the best time to plant new trees?

Spring is the ideal time to plant trees and shrubs. The soil is beginning to warm, the sun gets higher in the sky, and the spring rains are relatively reliable. The newly planted tree also has an entire growing season ahead to become established before next winter.

Why should I have an arborist plant my trees?

We see many trees that are planted too deeply or that have irreversible girdling root issues that appear ten to twenty years after planting. These can be avoided if the planting is done correctly.

An arborist can help with planting in a number of ways. Contact us for advice on which species are appropriate for your growing site and for advice on which species to avoid. 

We will help with species and site selection, recommend the best local nurseries, pick up your trees and shrubs, deliver them to your home, and plant them in a way that will give your new tree or shrub the best conditions for long-term success.

We can even set up an automated irrigation system that provides the right amount of water to a young tree without any attention from you.

Contact us with any questions about spring planting or pruning


Black Walnut


Ask the Arborists: Flowering Trees