Trusted Tree Removal Service
We love Madison’s wealth of big trees! They provide shade, food, shelter for animals, visual beauty, a break from the wind, and turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.
Unfortunately, sometimes a big tree needs to come down. Trees with disease or structural defects can pose serious risks to people and property. We’re here to identify and remove those hazards before the tree splits, fails, and falls.
Tree Removal Experts
We are certified Madison arborists who are trained and experienced in all types of tree removal. We specialize in hard-to-access locations and trees that are close to houses, businesses, other trees, and obstacles like telecommunications lines.
We have the equipment, skills, and experience necessary to remove trees in even the tightest quarters. Removal in the challenging environment of Madison’s urban forest requires the finesse of local tree service professionals.
Why Trees Need to be Cut Down
There are a variety of reasons for tree removal. Here are some signs that it’s time for a tree to come down.
Weak Unions
Tight, V-shaped unions are commonly called the crotch of a tree. Sometimes, those unions are not structurally sound, leaving the tree at risk of splitting. The same is true of trees with co-dominant trunks. Where two trunks diverge is another common weak spot.
We can save some of these trees with cabling systems and end weight reduction and they go on to live long, healthy lives. Others have suffered too much stress and damage and need to be removed before they cause injury or property damage.
We’ll come out for a free consultation to see if your trees have unions that put them at risk of failure.
Tree diseases like Oak Wilt and Emerald Ash Borer are unfortunately common in Madison and Dane County. These afflictions can both be treated if caught early, but many trees don’t survive them.
We remove diseased trees carefully and at the proper time of year to avoid spreading pathogens to the other trees in your yard.
Big Trees, Small Spaces
One of the main challenges of Madison’s urban forest is tight spaces. Decades-old trees can outgrow their space. This type of tree may be crowding out other trees and landscaping, interfering with your home or business, or simply taking up too much space.
Our professional arborists can take down even the largest tree in the smallest space. Our article on performing tree removal in tight spaces has pictures and video of the process.
Who Needs Professional Tree Removal?
The simple answer is that anyone with trees on their property needs to consult a professional tree service when it’s time to cut down a tree. If you have trees in your yard or at your business, the only safe way to remove one that is weak, diseased, or poorly placed is to hire a professional.
Removing a tree requires proper equipment, safety procedures, and a skilled team to avoid injury and property damage. Tree House Arbor Science has highly trained, fully insured professionals to do the job.
The Long-Term Benefits of
Tree Removal
As homeowners and tree lovers, we know how hard it can be to say goodbye to a tree in your yard. But sometimes, the benefits of removing a tree outweigh the cost of keeping it.
Your trees are a valuable part of your property, but not if they’re visibly diseased or dangerously weak. A tree with a weak union that splits during a storm can injure you or your family or damage your home. A dead tree detracts from your property rather than adding to it. And if you’re planning to sell soon, a recent visit from one of our arborists will reassure your buyers that there are no hidden costs lurking in the yard.
Cutting down a tree may also be what’s best for your space. Even an otherwise healthy tree can block doors and windows or otherwise interfere with your enjoyment of your home.
Frequently Asked Tree Removal Questions
Can I cut down my own tree?
No. Tree removal is a precise procedure that requires equipment and experience to safely complete. Trying to cut down a big tree yourself is a recipe for injuries, accidents, and property damage.
Contact us for a free consultation and we’ll let you know if a tree is safe for DIY removal.
How do I know if my tree needs to be removed?
There are signs that a tree may be in trouble.
A tree that is losing its bark, has lots of dead limbs, or has leaves falling during the growing season should be evaluated.
Tight V-shaped unions and multiple trunks also deserve a look.
A tree with a hollow trunk is in danger of failure.
A tree with visible storm damage should always be evaluated.
A tree that has grown too close to your house and is scraping windows or blocking access should be evaluated for either trimming or removal.
Contact us with any questions or concerns about your trees. A consultation is free and we can either recommend action or reassure you that your trees are sound.
Is it expensive to remove a tree?
This depends on the size of the tree and where it’s located. A small fruit tree in a large yard usually costs less to remove than a large oak in a tight space.
But not removing a tree can be expensive. A weak or vulnerable tree can cause a lot of damage if it fails. A tree too close to your house can serve as a launch pad for rodents and other pests.
How long does it take to remove a big tree?
Even the biggest urban tree in the smallest space can generally be removed in a single day. That includes stump removal, hauling away the wood, and thoroughly cleaning up the area.
Will tree removal damage my lawn or other plants?
We use the least invasive methods possible for tree removal. By climbing a tree and using specialty rigging we can remove large branches and trunks with minimal impact to the rest of your yard.
We will always discuss with you how a tree removal will impact your property so there will be no surprises.
Will cutting down a tree affect my property value?
It’s impossible to know exactly how much impact a single tree has on the value of your Madison area property. Trees provide value in many ways, including cleaning the air and shading your house (which lowers cooling costs).
A diseased, damaged, or dead tree has a negative impact and decreases your enjoyment of your yard. These trees also pose a hazard to both your property and others nearby.
Contact Tree House Arbor Science Today
Urban forests need management for maximum benefit. After we remove a tree, we grind the stump to make way for new trees, plants, or recreation space and thoroughly clean up the area.
We’ve handled every type of tree removal and an owner-arborist leads every job. Consultations are free, so complete this form or call us at (608) 234-5935 with any questions about your Madison area trees.